By Brenda Tassava Medina, CVPM, CVJ, VLCE

“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time and energy needed to develop yourself.”

―Denis Waitley

In veterinary practices, I all too often see the misperception that career growth is the equivalent of moving from a client service or veterinary assistant position to the role of a technician. This is a big mistake that I’d like to see as many support staff members avoid, as possible. If you have a burning desire to become a licensed veterinary technician, then go for it! However, if you’re simply looking for a promotion then you’re not headed in the right direction. Professional growth is about so much more than climbing a perceived ladder. Growth is the path to becoming the best you can be in whatever professional role you choose.

Client Service Representatives

You were chosen to work in a veterinary practice because of your soft skills! When I hear a fantastic CSR do a stellar job on the telephone, I’m always excited to call again at a later date to see how he or she has developed. In many cases, I have called and even asked for the same CSR only to find out they’ve been cross-trained and are now working “in the back”. I’ve even questioned why they are “in the back” only to find out they wanted to “grow” and that was the only path available to them. This is a huge disservice to not only the practice and its clients, it also shifts the focus away from the individual’s natural strengths and abilities, in most cases.

Veterinary client service representatives should be working towards growing their soft skills, integrating these skills with veterinary medical terminology and knowledge, while also developing in the area of marketing, communications, and leadership.

CSR Learning Resources


Take an Online Class!

  • Search for online classes in marketing and communications through your local community or state colleges
  • Search for topics online at TED Ed
  • Check out our classes at the VetSupport Learning Platform

Veterinary Assistants

You most likely came into the veterinary profession as a result of your love for animals. That doesn’t necessarily mean you like or enjoy the people who bring their pets to the hospital, and that’s ok…..for now. In order to grow professionally (and personally), your best course of action is to focus on developing your communication skills. The very best veterinary assistants I’ve ever worked with were those who could educate clients on all things related to their pet’s care, all the while restraining properly for the veterinarian, counting out medications, and more….all with a smile.

Once you’ve nailed your communication skills, the next step is to consider becoming a licensed veterinary technician. How do you do that while working full-time? Try an online accredited program paired with a work mentor to oversee and sign off on your technical nursing skills.

Veterinary Assistant Learning Resources


An Online Program that fits your schedule?

Leadership for Any and Every Role

Whether you’re a CSR, an Assistant, or a Technician, the surest way to grow yourself professionally is to develop the skills of your current role, along with developing your leadership skills. Why? Leadership is the pathway to long term career growth that every veterinary hospital needs from its employees. Not only will your practice manager and/or practice owner appreciate your leadership abilities, so will your co-workers.

Leadership Learning Resources