by Jesi Tassava, Executive Assistant (and member of the Millennial generation)

Millennials comprise the largest share of the workforce in the United States, surpassing Gen Xer’s. Many members of this generation would be willing to leave their current job. Many others are searching for jobs right now. In my previous blog post, I discussed the different aspects that the Millennial generation would like to see in their employer. They may seem daunting and extensive, but Millennials can be extremely beneficial to your veterinary workplace. It is important to consider their wants and needs, due to their large and growing number. Here are several beneficial traits that Millennials are able to bring to your workplace, should you choose to become their ideal employer.

Millennials are Team-Oriented and Great Multi-Taskers

Many Millennials enjoy working on teams and often thrive in this kind of environment. They often like to make friends at work, which can create a very cohesive and inviting work environment. It can be of great advantage to hire individuals who are solid team-players, as many workplaces, including veterinary hospitals operate with a structure of teams. Millennials are also the most diverse generation. When combined with their team-oriented nature, Millennials are able to work well with a diverse group of people. This generation is also good at multi-tasking. Therefore, as an employer, you can give your Millennial employee several tasks at one time, and they will most likely be able to seamlessly move from one task to the other. Their niche for multi-tasking can help them get things done in a timely and efficient manner.

Millennials are Experts With Technology

Millennials are extremely comfortable with computers, smartphones, etc., because they grew up surrounded by technology. They are extremely efficient with technology and they don’t get bogged down by the constant technological advancements. If your veterinary hospital needs to get new computers, software, or anything of the nature, the Millennial employees are the ones who will have no problem adjusting to the change. Millennials are also very comfortable when using social media, which can be to your practice’s advantage. They have a great understanding of the different social media platforms. Employers can use these skills to spread the word about their veterinary practice and everything that is happening within their business.

Millennials are Determined and Goal-Oriented

As stated in my previous blog post, work is not simply a place to Millennials, but instead a product of their talent and skills. Therefore, when they are at work, they will make sure to use their talent and skills to the best of their ability. Millennials do not like mindless tasks. They would rather be engaging in the workplace and using the knowledge they have gained through education. Since this generation values growth and progress, they will be extremely invested in their work.

They are at work with a goal to succeed. They will work hard to prove to their employer what they are capable of doing. This kind of mindset is an asset to veterinary practices because it means that your employees are at work to do a great job, learn and grow everyday. Oftentimes, employers will praise their employees for long hours worked, without realizing the more relevant gauge is their productivity level. Allowing Millennials to have a good work/life balance will allow them to show their full potential while in the workplace.


Each generation has their own traits and characteristics that can create a thriving work environment. Baby Boomers have a strong work ethic and are very resourceful. Members of Generation X are independent and great problem-solvers. The Millennial generation can benefit the workplace in many ways, from being team-players and multi-taskers, to their desire to succeed and make a difference. Understanding how they are an advantage to your veterinary workplace is important to consider as you make strides to position your practice as their ideal employer.